
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My main artefact!

Hi guys welcome back to my last blog of the term and today I will be sharing with you my main artefact.I have three artefacts two subs and one main.My main is a scratch project that I will be sharing with you today and for my subs I have a Lego world and some business cards.I have a lego world now an done in the future which is covered in lava and robots.On my scratch project we have the three biggest problems in the world and how to stop them.Thank you for listening to my last blog of the term with a question.What do you problems do you think are the three biggest? Bye.

Scratch project

Friday, September 20, 2019

My Sub artefact for PBL

Hi guys welcome back to my blog.As you know my PBL showcase is on next week and today I will share one of two sub artefacts.For my second artefact I made a business card.I made it on google drawing's and once I had done that I printed it and laminated it.I made eight of them so far.Well that's it for this blog with a question.Have you ever made a business card? Write in the comment's.

Sharing my Invitation with you!

Hi guys welcome back yo my blog.Today I will be showing you my PBL invitation.Our PBL is on the 25 of September which is next week on Wednesday. I am so excited but today I wont talk about that.On my Invitation I have added:The date,the time,the location and the dress code.I created it on a website called Canva. On this it has templates and pictures and everything.I used a Emoji party template which was blue with emoji's on the side.Well that's it for this blog with a question. How do you make invitation's? Write in the comments

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

PBL Planning

Hi guys welcome back to my blog.Today I will be telling you about my PBL plan.For this term's PBL are driving question is:What will the future ask of us? For my PBL I am in a group of three.For this I am making a lego world now and another in the future which isn't to good.I have also got a scratch project that show's us the three biggest problem's in the word.And I have a Business card and I made a logo! Thank you for listening to my blog on my PBL Plan with a question. What will the future ask of you? Write in the comment's

And Action! RE Advertisement!

Hi guys welcome back to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my RE advertisement.In week six we learnt about the sacraments. After that we could work in a group and make a video or we could do something by our self. I made a video with two of my friend.For this I did baptism.This was a really fun project.Well thanks for reading my blog on my Re advertisement with a question. Have you ever made an advertisement? Write in the comment's!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wow! Science Investigation

Hi guys welcome back to my blog.Today I will be talking to you about my science investigation.For my science I worked with one of my friend's called Connor. We did a experiment and it was gravity free water.For this all we needed was to get a full glass or anything like of water and to get some cardboard.We had to make it so that there was no air bubbles so that the water would be trapped.Well that's it for this blog with a question. Water science experiments have you done? Write in the comment's.

Example of gravity free water:Water

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Thank you! Volunteering!

Hi guys welcome back to my blog.Today I will tell you about volunteering.In week 6 we did volunteering.We had to fill out a google form to see which one we wanted to do.There were three option's:Food bank,curtain bank and confetti removal. I choose food bank.At food bank we had to empty boxes that had food in it and I did the chocolate and Oreo boxes.Once we had done that then we  got the food and put them in boxes.Well that's it for this blog with a question. What have you volunteered for? Write in the comment's

Finally! My completed Narritive

Hi guys welcome back to my blog.Today I will be telling you about my completed Narrative.About A week ago I showed you my narrative plan but now I have finished it.My story is about a scientist who mutated animals to make them stronger and smarter than human's.It started a war and the to kids stopped it with the help of the first good mutated animal and the first mutated animal.In my story i have 1272 words.This took me about a week and a bit to write but at least I got it done.Well that's it for this blog with a question. Have you ever wrote a narrative or a story? Write in the comment's.

Winter sport!

Hi guys welcome back to my blog.Today I will be telling you about winter sport.Winter sport is finished but I wasn't here for the last game.But in the season we got about 5 wins and tied twice. It was a really good season for us in football B team.We played at Hagley park.My fav part would be laying.Our coach was one of our players mum's and we got lollies.Well that's it for this blog with a question.What sport do you play? Write in the comment's.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

My Novel!

Hi guys welcome back to my blog.Today I will be sharing with you my novel study slides.For five weeks I have been reading a book called slide the corner.I love this book because it is about a sixteen year old kid who loves cars for his whole life but his dad doesn't read slide the corner to find out more.After that we did our novel study slides.On it we did a:Orientation,google drawing,write his characteristics,DLO and a screencastify video.This went up onto our digital reports and I just finished my one today.Well that's it for this blog with a question.Have you ever done novel study slide's before? Write in the comment's